

Nikon Eclipse E600 is a high-end upright research-grade microscope for brightfield, polarization and epi-fluorescence imaging. The microscope is equipped with a mercury lamp, filter cubes (XF-100-2 and XF 37 Omega Filters), 10X, 20X, 60X (oil) and 100X (oil) objectives and a Prior Proscan motorized stage.

Contact person: Zhao Tang & Joe Khoury & Michelle Duran-Chaves

The Axiplan 2 polarized optical microscope has been designed as a universal microscope and can be used for many areas of light microscopy. The microscope is equipped with a heating and cooling stage, a polarizer and an analyzer, and 10X, 20X, and 50X objectives. The optovar attachment allows for 2.5X false magnification. The Axioplan 2 microscope can be used in transmission (brightfield), reflection (darkfield or brightfield or fluorescence) with or without polarized light. Please see the manual for more information. Please go to FOM to request training for the microscope.

Contact person: Joe Khoury & Michelle Duran-Chaves

The Zeiss Axioplan 2 is a high-end upright research-grade microscope for transmitted and reflected (brightfield, darkfield, and fluorescence) applications. It has a high resolution digital camera and a medium resolution color camera, a rotational stage with controlled capabilities to provide Z-stack analysis, and image processing software. It has a polarizer for both the transmitted and reflected light sources with a rotatable analyzer. It is capable of differential interference contrast (DIC) imaging. It is equipped with 4 objectives: 10X, 20X, 50X and an oil immersion (1.4 NA) 63X, with capabilities of up to 2.5X false magnification.

Contact person: Zhao Tang  & Michelle Duran-Chaves




Hamamatsu EB-CCD camera (type C7190-21) is a high-end video-rate camera for high gain, high resolution image acquisition in very low light. The camera is connected to a camera controller with sensitivity control and contrast enhancement capabilities and is controlled by Metamorph imaging software.

Contact person: Zhao Tang  & Michelle Duran-Chaves

Kodak Ektapro model 1000HRC Motion Analyzer

This is a high speed camera that can be used either with an attached lens or by being mounted on a microscope. The camera can capture videos with frame exposure times as short as 50 microseconds, allowing observation of processes on very short time scales.

Contact person: Arthur Sloan 



ARES (Advanced Rheometric Expansion System) This rheometer was manufactured by Rheometric Scientific Inc., which is currently owned by TA Instruments. A direct-drive motor places a strain on the sample and an air bearing precision transducer then measures the stress. The rheometer has two transducers with a minimum torque of 2×10-7 N·m. It is a strain-controlled rheometer. It is equipped with a Neslab RTE-130 temperature control system. We have a special acid shield and fume system to create a dry, isolated environment for the rheometer to make measurements on SWNT/superacid mixtures.

Contact person: Joe Khoury


The RDA III (Rheometric Dynamic Analyzer) is a controlled strain rheometer dedicated to high viscosity fluids and solids testing instead rotational and dynamic shear. With it’s durable ball bearing torque transducer, the product allows analysis of materials such as polymers, baby foods, inks, pharmaceutical gels, liquid crystals, crude oils, nd more solid-like materials. With a controlled temperature range of 25-50C, it is ideal for analyzing polymer melts and thermotropic liquid crystalline phase transitions. Parallel plates (25 mm and 40 mm) and Cone and Plate (25 mm and 40 mm) fixtures are available.

Contact person: Joe Khoury

Capillary Thinning Equipment

Contact person: Joe Khoury & Lily Gong


Fluid Processing Equipment

Two Flactek Speedmixers provide high speed, efficient mixing and compounding for liquid solutions, dispersions, and emulsions over a wide range of viscosities. The large Speedmixer (model DAC 600.1 FVZ) is capable of mixing samples (including container) of up to 600g at 2500rpm or less for 100 minutes. It includes the ability to create custom mixing programs for multi-stage mixing. The small Speedixer (model DAC 150.1 FVZ-K) is capable of mixing samples (including container) of up to 150g at speeds reaching 3500rpm for up to 5 minutes. Both utilize Flacktek’s Dual Asymmetric Centrifugal Mixing technology, which is a bladeless mixing technique that produces repeatable, bubble-free mixtures with high precision, repeatability, and speed.

Contact person: Oliver Dewey 


Fiber Spinning Equipment

After mixing high-concentration CNT/superacid solutions, or “dopes”, these solutions are extruded through an air gap into a “coagulant” bath. In the air gap, the dope undergoes tensions, which further aligns the liquid crystalline CNT solution. In the coagulation bath, the acid is removed, and the CNTs coagulate to form a solid, aligned, neat fiber. Our group has a unique experimental setup for carrying out this extrusion process; syringe pumps are used to extrude the dope from the mixing vessel, and we have a  two-level arrangement where the dope is extruded downward from the first level through the air gap into the coagulation bath on the adjustable second level.

Contact person: Michelle Duran-Chaves


DrawDown Rod Coating

The Gardco Automatic Drawdown Machine is a benchtop device for draw down sample coatings with a high degree of reproducibility. With the Gardco Automatic Drawdown Machine the operator can get consistent, precision coating drawdowns every time. It can be use all different types of applicators–Microm applicators, Bird type, Wire wound rods, etc. The instrument can do coating with a speed range of 1.0 to 18.0 inches per second (IpS), in 0.1 inch/sec increments. There are four preset stroke lengths of 6, 9, 12 and 16 inches. The standard working surface is a 12 X 18 inch glass plate. An optional 12 X 18 inch vacuum plate can be used in place of the glass plate to accommodate different size paint charts. Standard 16″ OA Lab rods of either 1/2 or 3/8″ diameter can be used. The high temperature process furnace is used for conduction high temperature anneals of carbon and boron nitride based nanomaterials under controlled atmosphere conditions. Temperatures up to 1200C are available with an oxygen or nitrogen rich environment. A water bubbler is available for providing a steam-rich environment.

Contact person: Oliver Dewey 



The Citizen CM 21X microbalance is capable of microgram-resolution mass measurements. The sample is loaded onto a plate within a closed chamber to prevent disturbances from air currents. The microbalance features hands-free chamber door operation and automatic temperature monitoring. It is typically used to obtain precise mass measurements for small amounts of carbon nanotubes or macroscopic materials composed of carbon nanotubes.

Contact person: Muxiao Li & Michelle Duran-Chaves


Gamry Reference 600 Potentiostat

The reference 600 is a potentiostate/galvanostat/ZRA. It is used for a variety of applications in physical electrochemistry, including fast cyclic voltammetry, impedance measurements, electrochemical corrosion, etc.

Contact person: Stephen Yan 


Sorvall Legend X1 Centrifuge

The Sorvall Legend X1 Centrifuge is capable of rotating up to 6 by 100ml samples at 15000rpm tp produce an acceleration of approximately 24630g. It is used for nanotube phase separation and removal of sediment from aqueous dispersions.

Contact person: Steven Williams


High Temperature Furnace

The high temperature process is used for conductions high temperature anneals of carbon and boron nitride based nanomaterials under controlled atmosphere conditions. Temperatures up to 1200C are achievable with an oxygen or nitrogen rich environment. A water bubbler is available for providing a steam-rich environment.

Contact person: Joe Khoury & Michelle Duran-Chaves


Freeze Drying Equipment

Free drying allows removal of water from a material without compromising the structure. The material is first frozen with liquid nitrogen, ten the sample vial is connected to the dryer, which reduces the surrounding pressure to allow the frozen water in the material to sublimate directly from the solid phase to the gas phase. The Millrock benchtop freeze dryer lowers the temperature of the sample up to -45 degrees C and is equipped with a manifold to allow up to 6 samples to be dried at a time.

Contact person: Muxiao Li & Joe Khoury


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